Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan)

1.       General information about our organization

AAR JAPAN was established in 1979 with no religious, ideological or political affiliations, to support Indo-china Refugees arrived in Japan. The main focuses of our activities are on mine action, emergency assistance, and assistance to people with disabilities, HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention in Africa, and the public awareness. AAR JAPAN currently operates in 15 countries around the world.

2.       Link to our website



3.       Past activities in Sudan

AAR JAPAN started activities in Sudan with an objective to enhance knowledge and to promote safe behavior of the target population on landmines and UXOs issues in August 2006 with the funding from UNMAS. At the beginning of the project, material development for MRE was AAR JAPAN’s main activity. In April 2007, AAR JAPAN established its Kadugli sub-office in South Kordofan State to start MRE Implementation project in South Kordofan under the partnership with Friend of Peace and Development organization (FPDO). The two AAR JAPAN / FPDO MRE teams have been conducting MRE sessions for at-risk-communities and returnees in Sudan.

4.       Current activities in Sudan

4.1.    MRE implementation project with funding from UNMAS

  • Two of AAR JAPAN / FPDO MRE teams are conducting MRE in White Nile states for Southern Returnees  currently sheltered at way station.
  • AAR JAPAN is developing new MRE materials for NMAC.

4.2     MRE material development project on Training of Trainers’ (ToT) kit for MRE with finding from UNICEF

AAR JAPAN is developing new ToT kit for Mine affected states in Sudan.

5.       Achievements

5.1     MRE Material Development

Utilizing the past experiences, AAR JAPAN began MRE activities in Sudan from August 2006 with funding from UNMAS in close coordination with the United Nations Mine Action Office (UNMAO) and UNICEF. At the beginning of the project, material development for MRE was the AAR JAPAN’s main activity. The followings are the major achievements of MRE materials development activities from August 2006 to December 2011.

 1.     162,000 copies of “Safeway Home” Leaflets (North Version) was developed and distributed to at-risk communities, IDPs and returnees in Sudan from 2007 through UNMAO. 10,000 copies were handed over to the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Commission in Kauda and Kadugli and have been distributed to ex-combatants at the demobilisation sites in 2010 and 2011.

2.    300,000 copies of “Safeway Home” Leaflet (South Version) was developed and distributed to at-risk communities, IDPs and returnees in Southern Sudan and refugees in neighboring countries from 2007 to 2008 through UNMAO.

3.    3,000 sets of Training of Trainers (TOT) kit were developed for the TOT program in Blue Nile, Kassala, South Kordofan and Darfur in 2007.

4.    Two kinds of A3 size posters were designed for distribution at Public Information Campaign on mine awareness in 2007.

5.    12 page flip-charts were designed and utilized for community-oriented MRE sessions by AAR JAPAN/FPDO’s MRE teams in South Kordofan.

6.   24,000 copies of MRE notebook were developed and 16,500 copies have been distributed to children through MRE implementation in South Kordofan by the end of December 2010.

7.      20,000 copies of MRE Booklet which specially reflect South Kordofan’s language and culture were developed in April 2011 and have been distributed.

Currently AAR JAPAN is renewing a school MRE material called Training of Teachers Kit (ToT Kit) to be used in Blue Nile, Kassala, South Kordofan and Darfur, funded by UNICEF.

5.2.    MRE Implementation

In April 2007, AAR JAPAN established its Kadugli sub-office to begin direct implementation of MRE in South Kordofan. One mobile MRE team started MRE sessions in at-risk-communities under partnership with FPDO in May 2007 and the other one started in September 2007. In total, more than 50,000 of at-risk population including returnees and ex-combatants in South Kordofan have received MRE sessions from AAR JAPAN/FPDO’s MRE teams by the end of June 2011. The MRE teams have used the MRE materials developed by AAR JAPAN and several teaching methods, such as songs, games and dramas.

6.       Future plans

AAR JAPAN will continue its current MRE activity and also contribute the capacity development of Sudanese national NGOs.