Sudan Article 5_Extension Request

The Republic of Sudan has been plagued by a devastating civil war continued for nearly sixty two years a matter that engendered seismic consequences exhibited clearly in the chronic political, economic, social and security crises that have contributed to the destabilization of the country. For the last a half century,
Sudan’s geopolitical image has been termed with turbulent decades of internal turmoil and protracted domestic contest. The geographical context of Sudan characterized by spacious terrain coupled with a centralized system of governance that has in fact worked to undermine the influence of the centre on the remote peripheries. A situation that has been exacerbated by a lack of communication and transportation
infrastructure. The countries demographic setting, with considerable diversity, has essentially attributed to a wide-range of ethnic and dialect heterogeneity that has led to cultural disparities among its people.
The Government of Sudan (GoS) signed the Mine Ban Treaty of Ottawa on 4 December 1997 and ratified it on 13 October 2003. On 23 March 2013 Sudan submitted a request to extend its Article 5 mine action deadline to 1 April 2019. This was unanimously agreed by the Thirteenth Meeting of States Parties,
During the past term of the existing extension period much interest and sustained support has been awarded to Sudan’s humanitarian mine action program by the State. Further support has been provided by UNMAS. NMAC, in close collaboration with these actors has analysed the magnitude of the landmine
problem with full consideration to the multiple challenges that have beset it. As a result it is the conclusion that Sudan, by all measures will not be able to complete the clearance of all registered contaminated areas within the frame time of the ongoing extension period. In this case Sudan will require an extended period of four years, (1 April 2019 – 1 April 2023) in order to accomplish the job and adequately conform to the stipulations stated in the Convention.

Artical 5 Extension Report_2013

Artical 5 Extension Report_2018

Artical 5 Extension Report_2022